Valheim Server Hosting

Valheim Server
  • Xeon E5-1630v3 @ 3.7Ghz / Intel i7-7700k @ 4.5GHz
  • Up to 5GB DDR4 ECC RAM
  • Unmetered SSD Storage
$ 7.99 /month

You shouldn't have to pay extra for basic features

That's why PebbleHost offers an industry-leading gamepanel with everything you need to manage your own Valheim server.

NA & EU Locations

Enterprise Hardware

Custom Game Control Panel

Unmetered Storage

72 Hour Refund Policy

24/7 Discord Support

Built in Firewall manager

Full FTP Access

Configuration Editor

Support for Subusers

Resource Analytics

Automatic Backups


100% Server Uptime

PebbleHost works to provide a 100% uptime on all of our plans, day or night we keep your Valheim servers online.

Transparent Node Stats

Being as transparent as possible is important to us, that's why we publicly display our Valheim node stats ensuring you're on a high quality server that's not being oversold.

Custom Control Panel

We're proud to offer a custom control panel outfitted with all the features you'll need - many of which are simply unbeaten by our competitors. Check out a demo here.

Unbeatable Pricing

When it comes to Valheim server hosting, we offer unrivaled prices, providing powerful hardware, fast support and a high level of reliability for an affordable price.

Highly Reviewed

Scoring a 4.8/5 star rating allows PebbleHost to be one of the highest rated Valheim server hosts at our price point, ensuring you're buying from a highly trusted provider.

24/7/365 Dedicated Support Team

Our UK & US based support team work around the clock providing a leading support experience, with average response times under 30 minutes via our Discord support system.


Got a question about our Valheim server hosting? Contact our team via a ticket here.

What panel do you use for your game servers?
  • Our backend runs on a heavily modified version of Pterodactyl with massive modifications beyond recognition.

    Take a look at our demo @

Can I install uMod Plugins?
  • Yes! We have a built in mod-installer allowing you to one-click install any uMod plugins you wish.

Valheim hosting with PebbleHost

Simply a step ahead of the competition.

We have been refining our control panel ever since Valheim was introduced in February 2021 in order to make hosting a Valheim gaming server as simple as possible. We instantly applied the wealth of knowledge we gained from managing other games to Valheim. We think that our hosting significantly outperforms the competition because of this. To ensure that you may contact a member of our dedicated support staff at any time of day or night, regardless of your location or time zone, we also make significant investments in 24-hour staffing. You won't regret entrusting PebbleHost with hosting your Valheim server.